I Have a Dixie NArco DNCB 168/99-6. HAs been running great. Then suddenly I went for a beer and it was hot. I plug it in and the internals kick on and the fan starts on the inside but the compressor clicks on and then immediatly off. then a few seconds later it repeats. I checked the 3 terminals. Got aprrox .3 ohms on each. Fan in front of compressor does not run at any point. Took fan wire off compressor and still same problems. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
When your compressor turns on, the fan should start to run immediatly. If it's not even starting to run then test if the compressor fan is burnt out by running a separate 120v ac line and hook it up to fan wires (disconnect them from the machine first!). If it still won't run then you need a new fan.
Couple of other things to consider. If the fan won't run, the compressor will get hot and it's thermal cut-off switch will kick in and shut it down, it will then cool down and the switch will allow current to flow again and the cycle will repeat.
Also your thermostat might be bad, it's unlikely, but it could be cutting out under load. Swap in a good thermostat and turn it to off then slowly turn it up until the compressor kicks on, if it still kicks out then I would be getting a rebuilt compressor. However, there are a couple of guys on the board here who are able to diagnose compressor internal stuff and maybe they can help you with that.
Let me know if this helped.