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price adjustment on a dixie narco dnlb 368 mc/216-8

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george james
Last seen: 14 years 6 months ago
Joined: 06/07/2010 - 08:32
price adjustment on a dixie narco dnlb 368 mc/216-8

good evening all,
i,m more than a little confused with trying to alter the cost from 40p to 50p with the above machine,as far as i can tell the coin box is a m11oo the
dip switches consists of 2 x banks of 8 switches , iv,e tried various positions but just cant set it to vent for 50p,help its costing me a small fortune yours truly george

Edited by: fdg123 on 01/03/2011 - 00:18
daryl's picture
Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: 10/19/2010 - 21:00
Re: price adjustment on a dixie narco dnlb 368 mc/216-8

I have never heard of a coin mech model m1100. It sounds like your machine might be multiprice in which case you set the price by the motherboard.
If you will look at our 'basics' post (it's in the welcome forum) there are pic's of the 3 main types of coin mech plugs/connectors, see which type of plug is on your coin mech (110v, 24v or mdb), this will tell me if it's single or multi-price. It makes all the difference in setting/changing the price.
If you can't do that please upload a picture of the INSIDE (the backside of the front door) of your machines front door(the full length and width of the inside, higher the res the better but I think the forum here limits file size to about 500k, thats about a 2mp phone camera)

george james
Last seen: 14 years 6 months ago
Joined: 06/07/2010 - 08:32
Re: price adjustment on a dixie narco dnlb 368 mc/216-8

many thanks for the response so quickly daryl,yes it was a bit of a guess with the numbers on the coin box,i have messed obout with the dip switches always careful to return to the original setting because the price adjustment just seems to go up in 20p ie 40 60 80 etc.when i test the price after adjustment they all seem to stay the same......what do you think if i send you pictures by mobile phone i,ll have no probs with that but thats your call,if you like i can give you my number and you can text me probs if you dont ...just i,m not that good on the computer ps just had another look and found the following numbers on the coin box !!!! me1600/1900 mars electronics once again daryl many thanks for your time regards george

daryl's picture
Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: 10/19/2010 - 21:00
Re: price adjustment on a dixie narco dnlb 368 mc/216-8

send me the cell phone picture of the inside of the front door (where all the coin mech, validator etc. is mounted). get the whole inside of the door in the picture.
PS: uploading a picture is easy. take the picture and tranfer it to your computer.(say pictures folder)
then login on to the board here, post a reply, click upload attachment, browse to find the pic and then click add file. then submit post. that's it!
(If you have trouble - just get hold of kid to do it, done in 3 seconds flat)