Hello everyone, I have a 9 selection 501E drink machine, that is having an odd vending issue. The machine was working fine for 9 months, now all of a sudden when I push button two for water, it will vend from slot 3 which are cokes, the same thing happens when I select Slot 6 for Monster it vends from Slot 7 which is Dr. Pepper.
Has anyone else experience this issue before.
Your machine is an SIID computer controlled machine, the only way I know that to happen is if the 'space to sales' settings got altered (like when changing a price, etc.). In any event you will have to reset them by programing the computer. You will need the service manual for your machine. There are 2 different SIID manuals for your machine depending on whether it is a Coke branded or Pepsi/Generic branded machine. They are available in the vending manuals section -
Look for Dixie-Narco SIID programing manuals.
Follow the instructions very carefully.
Hope this helps,
Hope this helps,
Direct links to the manuals you need are,
Coke branded machine: http://www.vend-resource.com/book/dixie-narco-siid-s2d-series-coke-4-
Pepsi branded & others (generic): http://www.vend-resource.com/book/dixie-narco-siid-s2d-
Hope this helps,
Vending Service Los Angeles
More than likely you have a machine that does not have individual selection switches but rather a "selection membrane" which is a ribbon strip that runs down behind all the selection buttons. When this membrane fails it throws all the selection off by one column. If you need a replacement you can email me at rbepic4gatgmaildotcom.