My bill acceptor stopped working and the magazine was stuck in place. The plate that pushes the bill into the magazine was extended. The belts looked pretty bad so I figured the belts slipped and the unit detected a problem and stopped.
I took the unit apart, removed the PCB and used 6vDC to spin the motor to lower the plate. I replaced the belts and re-assembled the unit. I'm really good at this type of repair just no experience with bill acceptors.
The unit still does nothing. No LEDs flash, no difference if magazine is installed or not.
There are two buttons on the bottom rear. When I hold the left one in the LED flashes on/off slowly. 3 seconds on, 1 second off. If I hold the right button down the LED flashes 2 seconds on 2 seconds off.
Every 2 minutes or so the motor runs.... sounds like the motor running the bill plate.
Any tips or advice on what might be going on??
you have done so much stuff to the validator I am at a loss as to what might be the cause of the problem. The only thing I can suggest is to have it checked out (benched) at a repair facility. Sorry :(