I have a Univendor machine that I tried to change from double depth for 12 oz. cans to single depth for one 16.9 oz Dasani water bottle. I changed the cam position to single vend and it was working perfect. Then it seems like the gate or the bucket are jammed up, I had to disconnect the power supply to the motor to stop it from humming.
Anyone have any help?
Thanks, blovewell
You have 2 problems.
1. Sometimes when Vendo a column jams even when you remove the jammed can or bottle the mechanism remains jammed, I do not know why, but if you take the vend motor off and reset the gate and bucket, then replace the motor it will work fine (until another jam).
2. Regular water bottles that you buy at a grocery store/wholesale club will not vend in a Vendo machine. Oh they will work for a few vends but then they will jam. The plastic those bottles are made out of is to thin, they are "squishy" water bottles. You can vend those bottles in a Dixie-Narco soda machine (if you do not load to many of them in a column), but the mechanism in a Vendo is different and they will jam.
But if you want to vend water in a Vendo machine you must use water in the "hard" bottles. The bottlers (Coke & Pepsi) charge a lot for their water in hard bottles, but Nestle Waters makes their water in hard bottles and sells them for about .20 cents a piece. They sell them at most vending wholesale product suppliers.
Hope this helps,
daryl any images, or how to do this exactly? I ran into the same issue... I bought the kirkland waters to try and put in there... I'm hoping it works... don't know what waters still make hard bottles now and days lol. Could you help teach me exactly how to take the vend motor off? are you talking about selection motor? and whats the gate?
and will only squish smaller as they get cold. You need to find Arrowhead 16.0 oz bottles or one of the other regional waters sold by Nestle in the 16.0 oz size. DO NOT use Nestle water itself though. The 16.0 oz bottles will be noticeable by the horizontal ribs molded in the bottle from top to bottom to keep the bottle stiff.